The Features of the NetWave System
1) On board installation
One of the primary objectives that we wanted to obtain during the systems design and during the development of the NetWave has been to achieve a system that, in addition to be complete and stable, was user friendly and easy to use: few hours of work are enough to get a full confidence with the program and to be able to exploit it completly.
At the same time, we've worked to minimize the problems connected to the interfacing with the ship's devices in order to minimize the necessary installation.
These are the essential features of the onboard NetWave System:
- Extremely restricted dimensions
- Indipendence from the existing IT infrastructure
- Integration with the technologies and with the exisitng procedure
- Simplification and speeding up of the onboard procedures
- Remote updates
- Great understandability and handiness of use
2) Central System
The central NetWave, in addition to be the centralized collector of the whole fleet data, it's a powerful post-processing data system organized to find out the information in the most useful ad understandable way.
Everyone can do queries on all the available data choosing the length of time, comparing the ships, plotting the data, highlighting the alarms and the due dates.
From the functional point of view, the central system is so composed:
- Porting unit of the data sent from the fleet
- Main acquireing DataBase
- Module for the geo-location management
- Module for the monitoring and the errors sign
- Security system for the data access
- Quering data server (LAMP environment)
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