The strong points of the NetWave System

The NetWave System modality to manage the data, make more understandable and more usable the information, without sacrificing an extreme easy way of use.

The wide quantity of gathered data in the NetWave, has a own value not only for its quantity, but above all for the system capability to compare and to put in a relation them (comparing the ships' data, the performance, the usage, etc.).

The information becomes "knowledge", changing into a Business Intelligence vehicle, able to co-operate inside the business strategic decision process.

All this bring to emprovement of the operativity, cost optimization, identification of the inefficiencies with a consequent increase of the profit and of the market competitiveness.
The strong points of the vessel ship fleet management software

Summary of the advantages / values of the NetWave System

  • Use of only one software for the management of several departments
  • Real-time information exchange with the possibility of a real time use
  • Digitalized data storage with queries possibility without any time limit
  • Paper flow redutcion and costs reduction dued to communications
  • Highlighting of the due dates with no risks to exceed them
  • "World wide" queries possibility (accessibility through the Internet)
  • Reduction of the intervention costs (maintenance on condition)
  • Possibility of update the system according to the new additional requirements
  • The operating costs are self-financing thanks to the obtained costs reduction

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