The Base Unit

In the Base Unit aka Core Module of the NetWave System, there are several functions that permit to achieve an almost complete monitoring of the fleet throught the collection of data, mainly aquired automatically from the ships with a very limited necessity of the onboard Officers operativity and -consequently- without the necessity of their specific training.

On each vessel an extremely compact server is installed that -through integrated systems or thanks to the interfacement to the onboard instrumentation- collects the onboard data and transmits them to the central server to make the following information available in real time to the Navigation Company:

Voyage Manager

The Voyage Manager permits to check the data of the ships' voyages (FAOP -> FAOP) displaying the travel time, the consumption averages compared to the voyage conditions, the average speeds compared to the weather conditions, the time lost, etc.

It's possible to have a global view of each ship'itineraries, choosing for a desired lenght of time and achieving detailed information about each day of the Voyages:
  • Speed
  • Engines RPM
  • SLIP
  • Wind Force
  • Sea Force
  • Consumptions
  • Runned Hours
  • Cargo
  • R.O.B.
  • Total Voyage Consumption
  • Totale Voyage Runned Hours
Total control with the vessel ship fleet management software

Total control with the vessel ship fleet management software

Port Turnaround Manager

You can also access the complete entries for each Port. The information is divided into various stages of transit (Inbound Data, At Berth / Anchorage, Outbound Date, Details Cargo) with data from ROB, Consumption, residence times relative to each phase, as well as data loading / unloading and supplies . Here are displaied the list of the Ports touched from the selected ship in the selected time period, with the corresponding ROB, Consumption and Supplies.

You can also access the complete entries for each Port.

The information is divided into various stages of transit (Inbound Data, At Berth / Anchorage, Outbound Date, Details Cargo) with the data concerning the ROBs, consumptions, staying time (relative to each phase), as well as data loading / unloading and supplies.
Total control with the vessel ship fleet management software

Consumption Manager

In this section are reported the consumption monitored by the NetWave System based on the different types of ships, the type of fuel, etc.

The system allows you to check the consumption of each ship both in absolute terms (amount of the various fuels used / period) and in relative terms (consumption based on engine hours performed), as well as to compare the trends for ships of similar class or twins in order to better highlight any inefficiencies.
Total control with the vessel ship fleet management software

EEOI Calculation

In this section you can check the calculations of the EEOI coefficient (Energy Efficiency Operational Indicator) introduced by the MEPC59 IMO Directive to value the energy efficiency of each ship in relation to the voyage.

The calculation of the Energy Efficiency Operational Indicator (in a simple way defined as the ratio between the mass of CO2 emitted and the "Transport work") allows the operator to measure the energy efficiency of the vessel during its operations.

The NetWave System does not simply provide an absolute datum, but EEOI values differentiated in various conditions, that can be moreover queried for time or voyage.

Engine Data Manager

The monitored parameters are displayed in a screen that shows the trends of the surveys in the previous period.

For each parameter, this information is displayed in relation to the time period over which the query is done:
  • Time/Hour last survey
  • Last value retrieved
  • Number of surveys in the lenght of time
  • Average value in the the lenght of time
  • Max and min value
  • Maximum and minimum percentage of deviation
  • Standard deviation

There is also a graphical representation with the trend of the values during the period. Queries can be made freely for Voyage or for lenght of time.

Fleet Tracking

The Fleet Tracking is an advanced positioning and mapping system that allows an immediate localization of the fleet unities and, at the same time, to verify the position, the course, the ports information and the speed of each ship.

The NetWave System is able to display the old Voyages or to limit the view in a specific lengh of time.

The use of very detailed satellitar maps, in perfect integration with our tracking systems, the Fleet Tracking can obtain a great accuracy both for the route of the ship and the context in which this has moved.

For each day, you can also get information on distance traveled, speed and fuel consumption both from the beginning of voyage and the last 24 hours.

Weather Condition & Forecast

The "Weather Condition" unit provides information about the weather conditions of the area where is the ship through integration of the NetWave System with METAR and TAF forecasts (Terminal Aerodrome Forecast).

The Weather Maps also show additional information about the weather conditions relating to each vessel, in particular:
  • real-time cloud cover satellite view;
  • location and danger of active hurricanes;
  • wave height;
  • sea surface temperature.

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